My passion: to bring out the best in you, your self-employment or your company

I am passionate about helping individuals, freelancers and companies to realise their greatest potential. Together, we develop holistic solutions even for difficult challenges. I bring you in alignment with your vision and help you reach the next level of your development and goals.

Michaela Richter Portrait des Business Coaching & Mentoring von Michaela Sturm

A combination of international business and therapeutic coaching methods

I have successfully specialized in combining methods from the fields of international business and therapeutic coaching.

In addition to a Bachelor in International Business, I have many years of experience in international event management, project management, strategy development, conflict management and marketing.

Through numerous training courses with various internationally renowned teachers, I have also specialised in personal development, conscious business leadership, the teachings of the Enneagram and systemic constellations, among other things.

As a conference interpreter, I have accompanied further countless training courses of well-known trainers, thus proving time and again my quick and strong communication skills. 

My career has combined those areas from the beginning and thus, I have more than two decades of professional and personal experience.

Mary Poppins and her magic bag

Through my continuous further training and development, my toolbox is growing constantly. It contains a collection of different techniques, methods, approaches and experiences that I combine intuitively in different ways according to what is needed.

I have deliberately chosen not to list the individual elements here. In my experience, it is of advantage for my clients to be able engage in a new and unbiased way.

She stood on the balcony, inimitably mimicking his hiccupping and amicably welcoming him in

Since graduating from high school, I have mainly lived and worked abroad. Native German, fluent English at interpreter level, fluent French and work experience in various countries such as the UK, USA, Australia, India, France, and of course Germany, are part of my portfolio. I have been living and working in Germany for several years now.

Initiator and companion - guidance from within

As a result, my coaching and faciliating is not a theoretic lecture nor the application of concepts to your situation, but instead is based on interaction and experience.

As a coach and faciliation mentor, I see myself as an initiator and companion on the path that supports the moment of development and enables change and growth.

From the blind spots to the solution - new perspectives open up

In my coaching and Faciliating mentoring I offer you the opportunity to turn towards the blind spots of your professional challenges; that means looking at what you may not have looked at before.

In this way, we can bring to light the deeper, hidden, troublesome dynamics and dissolve them.

Afterwards, the solutions for your challenges present themselves almost automatically. They come from within, from yourself, your project or your company. And therefore, they are not a foreign concept to be applied, but are adequate and fruitful for the healthy change and sustainable success of the project or company.

Weiterfuehrendes Coaching & Mentoring des Business Coaching & Mentoring von Michaela Sturm
"During every session I felt supported and secure, although we worked with deep-seated self-confidence issues and difficulties in my company. The experience alone of receiving support and encouragement during this type of change process was fantastic. And the results were excellent."

Gina G, small business owner
"Michaela is professional and warm and accessible at the same time. Her training enables her to offer a unique service that goes right to the heart of things."

Jacqui Beddos, business owner
"As a coach, she is gentle and encouraging, and she creates an atmosphere that is warm and relaxed."

Hannah Corr, business owner
"With a strong eye for what is important, Michaela has the ability to quickly get to the core of things and to identify and initiate opportunities for change with effectiveness and sustainability. Michaela asks the right questions at the right time."

Julia Buckworth, notary
“Michaela's coaching style, is very focused, professional and friendly. I always felt like I was being taken care of, in a wonderfully compassionate and intuitive way! Which is always reassuring, when you are dealing with issues around your business and personal life, that raise feelings of vulnerability and new growth.”

Terry Brightwater, holistic life coach

Open Space Facilitation & Leadership

for emergent creativity, navigating organisational change & collective synergies

1:1 Custom Open Space Event Design
Dynamic Open Space Event Facilitation
Open Space Leadership Coaching

Coaching des Business Coaching & Mentoring von Michaela Sturm

In Alignment

I love helping clients create successful high participant contribution and engagement events, increase overall initiative, build strong and resource-full communities and company identity, create collective synergy whilst enhancing the creativity, joy and initiative of the individual.

Through many years of co-ordinating Open Space Festivals and Workshops I specialise in creating the right mix of safety and impulse.

Meine Expertise im „on the spot“- und strukturierten Programmmanagement macht jedes Event agil: versiert darin, offene Programme spontan zu managen und bei Bedarf auch hoch strukturiertes Programmmanagement zu implementieren.

Embedded in a strong network of experienced professionals who I enjoy collaborating with, I can provide individually tailored, comprehensive solutions.


For businesses and organisations:

Strategically, analytically and with sensitivity I support companies in change processes, conscious business leadership and further development of processes at management and team level. I always keep an eye on the company’s DNA.

From Potential to Powerhouse

My favourite quote and my inspiration:

“Where would we get to if everyone said where we would we get to, and no one went to find out where we would get to if we went.”

Kurt Marti

Michaela Richter Portrait des Business Coaching & Mentoring von Michaela Sturm

Erschaffe dir in 8 Wochen ein solides INNERES Fundament für deinen Weg in die Sichtbarkeit.

Für Selbständige, Kreative Köpfe & Persönlichkeiten, die natürlich und selbstbewusst in die Sichtbarkeit gehen wollen.

  • Du weißt, dass der Weg in die Sichtbarkeit dein nächster Schritt ist.
  • Du willst deine einzigartige Botschaft, Kreativität und Vision authentisch und wirkungsvoll in die Welt tragen.
  • Es ist dir wichtig, mit dir im Einklang und dabei echt zu sein – anstatt dich zu verbiegen.

Inneres Fundament – äußere Wirkung.

Mit Michaela Sturm, Bettina Hallifax und der Meerkat.

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